Recruitment Open Day 2017

Recruitment Open Day 2017


Last Thursday, 23rd March 2017, saw another successful Recruitment Open Day at our office in Little Island, Cork.

We were delighted with the turnout with over 200 people turning up on the day to meet with our recruiters to discuss potential job opportunities.  It was a busy day to say the least but worth it as the quality of the attendees was outstanding.

A big thank you to all our recruiters as the day wouldn’t have happened without their super work and to the attendees who turned up – it was lovely to meet so many friendly people!

With this in mind we are holding another Recruitment Open Day in the PE Global Dublin office on Thursday 27th April from 8.30am to 6.00pm.  Attendance is by registration only.  If you would like to attend simply click on the link here and fill out your details along with a time you would like to attend.

We look forward to meeting you on the day!

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