Guide To Managing Performance

Performance management is a vital component of any business, as it allows all managers to develop and push their teams and individuals to achieve their absolute best. This guide to performance management will show you how to encourage your workers and ensure that they’re efficient, whilst also giving them a way to see their own personal progression.

The main aim is to fuel them to develop their skills and become a more complete person which will drive the company towards its objectives.

Providing employees with tangible feedback on their performance through various metrics helps them to see the progress that ultimately enhances the organisation.

The main aim is to fuel them to develop their skills and become a more complete person which will drive the company towards its objectives.

What Is Performance Management and how does it work?

A big challenge for many organisations is to ensure that those working are able to deliver to the best of their ability – and for some, to push them to higher levels they never even thought was possible.

Maximising potential is achieved through the practice of performance management. It’s a process that allows companies to help employees to develop and see receive real-time results and constructive feedback. Performance management achieves this by following three principles:

Establishing goals and targets

Clear and concise objectives for individuals and teams to aim for that align with the organisation’s strategy and mission statement.

Improving performance

Providing employees with tangible feedback on their performance through various metrics helps them to see the progress that ultimately enhances the organisation.

Ensuring people are accountable

An important aspect of achieving perfect performance management will revolve around linking performance to rewards, benefits and career progression.

Learning and Development

While examining performance is important, an organisation will need to help their employees to achieve great productivity and efficiency through their own learning and development methods.

Asking employees to work to a higher level without guidance isn’t helpful for them. Ensure that if employees are making mistakes or are not aware of how to improve their performance, they have access to mentors or learning material that can help them to grow.

One aspect that can assist is for each employee to have a personal development plan that details their targets, actions and results and can be grouped with a review.

Performance Reviews

Performance reviews are vitally important to ensure employees are on the right track to achieving their goals and to give organisations a chance to feedback and ensure that they’re monitoring and assessing progress.

Performance reviews should be regular to ensure feedback provided can be judged consistently, rather than forgotten about. Performance reviews are there to ensure progress is made over a prolonged period of time and to ensure both employee and employer are working together towards a common goal.

Work From Home Performance Management

With the world changing considerably in recent years, working from home and hybrid working has become a mainstay within society. Now so, more than ever before, it’s important to emphasise and deliver consistent performance reviews to keep employees engaged.

Working from home provides different challenges for employers. They need to ensure that employees are still made to feel part of the team by working towards company goals and don’t feel disconnected or abandoned. Holding performance reviews with analysis is key to keeping everyone on track and pushing in the same direction. With work-from-home initiatives becoming more popular than ever, performance management and performance reviews can play a key part in keeping employees engaged and feeling valued.

Open and Honest Performance Management

At the heart of every organisation are the people who run it every day. Success isn’t achieved overnight, only through hard work and an application to be more efficient and productive than the day before. Performance management and the guide above will help but only if those within the company can have difficult conversations and be able to take on board constructive feedback.

Performance management needs to be a process that is a two-way open conversation about employees’ performance that supports both employees and the organisation. This is done through the processes mentioned above, such as learning and development, performance reviews, honest dialogue as well as benefits for those who drive their performance forward continually.

For more information on performance management and how you can use it as part of your own personal development to improve for the better, contact us here at PE Global at

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